Month: December 2022

Digital Media Marketing and Cybersecurity Solutions

What is hacking? and what are the types of it?

Hacking refers to the misuse of devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and networks to cause damage to or corrupt systems, gather information on users, steal data and documents, or disrupt data-related activity. A traditional view of hackers is a lone rogue programmer who is highly skilled in coding and modifying computer software and hardware systems. But this narrow view does not cover the true technical nature of hacking. Hackers are increasingly growing in sophistication, using stealthy attack methods designed to go completely unnoticed by cybersecurity software and IT teams. They are also highly skilled in creating attack vectors that trick users into opening malicious attachments or links and freely giving up their sensitive personal data. As a result, modern-day hacking involves far more than just an angry kid in their bedroom. It is a multibillion-dollar industry with extremely sophisticated and successful techniques. Types of Hacking/Hackers There are typically four key drivers that lead to bad actors hacking websites or systems: (1) financial gain through the theft of credit card details or by defrauding financial services, (2) corporate espionage, (3) to gain notoriety or respect for their hacking talents, and (4) state-sponsored hacking that aims to steal business information and national intelligence. On top of that, there are politically motivated hackers—or hacktivists—who aim to raise public attention by leaking sensitive information, such as Anonymous, LulzSec, and WikiLeaks. A few of the most common types of hackers that carry out these activities involve: Black Hat Hackers Black hat hackers are the “bad guys” of the hacking scene. They go out of their way to discover vulnerabilities in computer systems and software to exploit them for financial gain or for more malicious purposes, such as to gain reputation, carry out corporate espionage, or as part of a nation-state hacking campaign. These individuals’ actions can inflict serious damage on both computer users and the organizations they work for. They can steal sensitive personal information, compromise computer and financial systems, and alter or take down the functionality of websites and critical networks. White Hat Hackers White hat hackers can be seen as the “good guys” who attempt to prevent the success of black hat hackers through proactive hacking. They use their technical skills to break into systems to assess and test the level of network security, also known as ethical hacking. This helps expose vulnerabilities in systems before black hat hackers can detect and exploit them. The techniques white hat hackers use are similar to or even identical to those of black hat hackers, but these individuals are hired by organizations to test and discover potential holes in their security defenses. Grey Hat Hackers Grey hat hackers sit somewhere between the good and the bad guys. Unlike black hat hackers, they attempt to violate standards and principles but without intending to do harm or gain financially. Their actions are typically carried out for the common good. For example, they may exploit a vulnerability to raise awareness that it exists, but unlike white hat hackers, they do so publicly. This alerts malicious actors to the existence of the vulnerability.

December 4, 2022 0

How to secure yourself from online event phishing links?

Online communities and the things around them are growing. It’s becoming a trend. The flexibility and convenience are more. But these event calendars are being misused to attack online users and steal data. They are being used for phishing people. So this blog post is to make you aware of which event invite is a phishing scheme and which one is safe to open to accept the invitation. Use these four pointers to see if it’s legitimate. Is the source of the invitation legit? A sudden surprising invite from your favorite brand or an event organizer isn’t all hoax since most of the small and local businesses along with the corporates are using online invitations especially posts covid as an accessible way to invite people to their events. It’s easy to navigate from home, but it doesn’t mean you delete it. But make sure the sender is a verified or legit sender address before accepting an invite or even thinking about clicking the link. Alternatively, make sure that it actually came from that particular business. Try to recall if you ever subscribed or signed up for membership at their venue, store, or website. Then go and online search for that event, if the event is legit it should be posted somewhere on the company website or some event organizer like Eventbrite and more. If you cannot find anything then the invitation is indeed fake and report the email before you mark and delete it as spam. Furthermore, you can reach out to the company using the phone or email given on their contact us page on their website and ask if there’s such an event and they would be more than happy to tell you about it. Also, if you are always known to go to these events then you would be familiar with the emails or invites you receive from this sender address.     2. Secure your device Securing your device is one other way to stay protected. So make sure your computer’s antivirus software and a network firewall are up-to-date or at least turned on. This software helps to block spam or malicious links, emails, and attacks that are about to take place on the device if you happen to end up clicking the link anyway. It’s okay to invest in antivirus software as some of them also offer backup protection and protection from ransomware too. There isn’t that latest of at least technology of antivirus pieces for mobiles and tablets but it’s good to at least have downloaded some basic ones. Since it will help to have that additional layer of security to protect you and your data. When you continue to open the link, the network is protected from any sort of threat when you click the link to RSVP for that invitation.     3. Giving your personal information Phishing emails/invites look legit and that’s the whole reason why we even fall for this stuff in the first place. Hackers and cybercriminals have mastered this art of deceiving and know very well how to copy the model of emails and SMS or for that matter any similar-looking thing to get you to click the link in the first place. They even make use of Google calendars, Gmail, and other sites to make it seem as real as possible. They sneak them into our inboxes. The way the email looks doesn’t have to make it legit. The sender will more or less always ask for some kind of personal information. Do not give any personal information at all. In case, if you think the event is legit and they request personal information then it’s always advised to contact them yourself via the event page or website and give them those details instead of falling into this trap.     4. Look at the URL before proceeding Most of the time the URL itself will help you make it clear if that URL is even legit or not. All the brand and event or corporate invites start with their domain name and then an extension of the rest of the things. Usually, popular domains and HTTPS are protected by Google Crawlers, and hence phishing the main site would last for barely 5-10 minutes at max before it’s taken down on hosting sites. Didn’t understand a thing? well, don’t worry. I do cover this in upcoming blog posts but for now, just know that popular sites cannot be replicated so check for the legit domain name before the extension link. Additionally, hover over the link to see the hidden URL (if any). It helps to re-evaluate the site destination address. Something to keep an eye out for is to see if the URL is shortened from a site like TinyURL or or other 3rd party sites. When you click on the link, does it take you to the expected site? Sometimes if the ending is some random extension like .doc or .exe then abort the process. There’s another way, even if you are most careful about all the things. Hackers can redirect you to another site with tons of pop-ups or aggressive downloads and more. There’s also something called link checker and it can sound too much to click on some random link but if you are especially clicking on something related to a bank or similar things then it’s better to be super safe. Link checkers help keep the spam scores of the link and also tell if any files were downloaded in the background when clicked on it. Worst case scenario you already have your device and network protected, you can mid-way stop the attack. So, I am curious what happens when I click the spam link? Good question, lol as if I am gonna give you grades for asking the right set of questions. Anyway, Your personal information can be collected that’s saved on your browser and on your device Random virus files and browser extensions may be downloaded in the background without giving permission to…
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December 4, 2022 0

What is cybercrime? and types of cybercrime?

What is Cybercrime?   Cybercrime is defined as an unlawful action against any person using a computer, its systems, and its online or offline applications. It occurs when information technology is used to commit or cover an offense. However, the act is only considered Cybercrime if it is intentional and not accidental.   Cybercrime is a criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for reasons other than profit. These could be political or personal. Cybercrime can be carried out by individuals or organizations. Some cybercriminals are organized, use advanced techniques, and are highly technically skilled. Others are novice hackers   Example of Cybercrime Email and internet fraud. Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used). Theft of financial or card payment data. Theft and sale of corporate data. Cyberextortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack). Ransomware attacks (a type of cyberextortion). Cryptojacking (where hackers mine cryptocurrency using resources they do not own). Cyberespionage (where hackers access government or company data). Interfering with systems in a way that compromises a network. Infringing copyright. Illegal gambling. Selling illegal items online. The fraud is done, by manipulating the computer network Unauthorized access to or modification of data or application Intellectual property theft that includes software piracy Industrial spying and access to or theft of computer materials Writing or spreading computer viruses or malware Digitally distributing child pornography Type of Cybercrime   Hacking: It is an act of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Denial Of Service Attack: In this cyberattack, the cyber-criminal uses the bandwidth of the victim’s network or fills their e-mail box with spam emails. Here, the intention is to disrupt their regular services. Distributed DoS attacks (DDoS) are a type of cybercrime attack that cybercriminals use to bring down a system or network. Sometimes connected IoT (Internet of Things) devices are used to launch DDoS attacks. A DDoS attack overwhelms a system by using one of the standard communication protocols it uses to spam the system with connection requests. Cybercriminals who are carrying out cyberextortion may use the threat of a DDoS attack to demand money. Alternatively, a DDoS may be used as a distraction tactic while another type of cybercrime takes place. A famous example of this type of attack is the 2017 DDoS attack on the UK National Lottery website. This brought the lottery’s website and mobile app offline, preventing UK citizens from playing. The reason behind the attack remains unknown, however, it is suspected that the attack was an attempt to blackmail the National Lottery.

December 4, 2022 0